Cadia Valley Mines

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Cadia Valley Operations (CVO) is a large-scale gold mining venture located about 25 km from Orange. The Newcrest-owned operation includes three mines: the Cadia Hill open pit mine, and Cadia East and Ridgeway underground mines. Sustainable Energy Design has been engaged to provide power solutions for the Central Western NSW mining operations.

Earthing Grid Design

Cadia Valley Operations is committed to providing a safe environment for workers and an effective earthing grid is a critical element of a safe workplace. Sustainable Energy Design has devised an earthing grid for a new building at the mine site and is currently undertaking feasibility testing involving soil sampling around the site.

132kV Transmission Line

Having a reliable power supply is vital to mine operations. Sustainable Energy Design is replacing the existing 132kV transmission line that supplies power to the Cadia Hill mine. The power lines are underground till the outskirts of Orange and then overhead for about 20km to the mine site. The project involves routing the power lines and poles, designing structures for holding the lines, and negotiating with landowners whose properties are affected.

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